Today, we will tell you about the patent „Waterborne varnish with the addition of graphene oxide with anti-corrosive properties” (Pat.240956), which Łukasiewicz – Institute of Microelectronics and Photonics co-authored with Wojskowa Akademia Techniczna w Warszawie and Łukasiewicz – WIT.
Samples coated with varnish without the addition of graphene oxide corroded on approximately 20 percent of the surface. The corrosive environmental impact resulted in the formation of numerous corrosive pits developing beneath the protective layer. The continuity of the varnish was interrupted. However, patented varnish applied on metallic surface, corrosion covered only half a percent of the tested sample surface, which is 40 times less! Moreover, the waterborne varnish with graphene oxide G-Flake® does not contain volatile organic solvents, is non-flammable, and environmentally friendly. The application area of the innovative graphene varnish is wide – from construction, through automotive, aviation, space technologies, oil and gas industry, to the renewable energy sector.
If you have more questions on application of GO related with this application, feel free to contact Małgorzata Djas, PhD Eng.